Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday Morning Inspiration

Stressed for Success
You don’t have to; you get to! When you’re stressed out about all of the upcoming events and exams and presentations and work…STOP. Relax. Take a deep breath. Take each day one step at a time and focus on the immediate things first. Create a to-do list and mark each item off as you go; each strike through an assignment is a small reward and one step closer to being done. It is important to keep your head up and maintain a positive outlook. After all, we are all working towards a bigger goal than just making an “A” on an exam or passing a class. We’re achieving our dreams and pursuing our interests one day at a time. So when you’re stressed out, stop and think, “I don’t have to; I get to.”

Check out some articles about how to manage and reduce stress:

Yours Truly,

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