Thursday, November 14, 2013

5 things to do over winter break

The weather outside is getting frightful as are all of the end of semester projects, and papers--not to mention the dreaded finals week coming up!  With so much going on, it's hard to even think about our plans are for winter break.  The truth of the matter is though, our 1 month break will be upon us in a few short weeks and there is a lot to do.  Here's a quick run down of things that you should try to accomplish:

1.  Get started on that summer internship/job
I know, I know it seems so far away right now but spring will sneak up on you.  Start researching internships and jobs now because a lot of them will start conducting their interviews early spring.  Allow yourself time to prepare and research so that you can really nail that interview.  To see who will be interviewing on campus this spring, check out Hire-A-Vol.

2.  Get caught up on current events
And no, I'm not talking about Kim and Kanye's engagement--real stuff, people! With so much going on in school, it's hard to keep up with what's going on in the world.  Research the Health Reform, read about what's going on around the world.  You'd be surprised to learn how many interviewers ask questions about current events!

3.  Study for graduate school entrance exams
Winter break is a great time to study for the GRE, MCAT, LSAT, or any other test that you have to take.  Make sure to take advantage of this time off and focus on making the best score possible.  Also, if you need to take one of these exams but haven't yet, make sure you schedule one pronto!

4.  Build your professional wardrobe
Make sure you ask Santa for a suit (or at least buy one with your Christmas money).  With interview season coming up, you want to make sure that you have all of the proper attire to wow your interviewers.  Sure they're expensive, but think of it as an investment--how you present yourself can make or break your interview.  This doesn't just apply for job interviews either, remember grad school interviews are just around the corner!

5.  Relax!
It's been a long, rough semester so much sure you kick back, relax and have some fun--you earned it!

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