Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Networking Wednesday: Informational Interviews 101

Informational interviews are great ways to get to know professionals in your field--they're also a great way to get your foot in the door!  They can act as an information session, networking tool, and in some cases an interview. Here are some pointers to as to how to ask for an informational interview:

1.  Find the right person
Who you ask for an informational interview can make all the difference in your experience.  Make sure the person you want to interview is open to it in the first place.  Although we all aspire to be successful CEOs, they aren't always available to do informational interviews. It is also very important to establish rapport with the person ahead of time.  A great way to do both of these things is through LinkedIn.

2.  Ask the right way
How you ask and approach can make all the difference.

  • You should always start off asking for help:  A lot of employers are interested in helping students because they've been in your shoes before. 
  •  Be clear:  make it easy for them to say yes.  
  • Have a hook: The more personalized your ask, the more likely they are to want to help you out.
  • Be considerate:  Keep in mind that this person is probably very busy, let the know that you respect their time and schedule. 
  • Don't act desperate:  Even if you are frantically looking for a job, don't act like it.  Acting desperate will interfere with your first impression.
3.  Pleasantly follow up
Send a thank you email or letter after the interview.  Understand that the person is very busy and make take a while to get back with you.  If you haven't heard anything after a week, send a polite email thanking them again for the opportunity.

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