Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Networking Wednesday: Introduce yourself to Employers in 60 seconds

You step into the career fair and make your way toward a representative from the top-ranked company on your job-search list. What can you say and do during the next 60 seconds to make this recruiter want to explore hiring you?
Hit them with your one-minute introduction!
Follow the formula
Use the following formula to build your 60-second introduction:
  • Name
  • Class (senior, junior, sophomore)
  • Major
  • Opportunities that you are seeking
  • Relevant experience (work, internship, volunteer work)
  • Highlights of skills and strengths
  • Knowledge of the company

Tailor your introduction to each employer you approach based on research and knowledge of each company. (Here’s where to start: Get a list of employers attending the career fair from your career center, and check out their websites for information about products, services, and opportunities.)
Practice to perfection
Practice your introduction so that you can move on to the important next step—the interview. Add positive nonverbal communications—eye contact, facial expressions, body language, and posture. Practice with a mirror, a friend, and/or a career services staff member.
Ask a great question
Next, make yourself memorable by asking a question about the company. (These questions are based on information you’ve found in your research.)
  • “Could you tell me more about the new (product) you are developing?”
  • “Could you tell me more about your financial management training program?”
  • “What type of projects do your interns work on?”

Avoid the following:
  • Asking what the company does;
  • Asking if the company has any jobs; and
  • When asked what type of position you are seeking, saying you would be willing to do anything at the company.

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