Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Morning Inspiration/ Quick Tips

It’s another Monday in Big Orange Country! You may have had to pry yourself out of bed this morning (a little kicking, screaming - the usual); however, we are here to spread some love and motivation with our fellow VOLS to get your focus in the right direction. This Monday, we hope everyone can start off the day placing things into the right perspective. No matter what the week ahead of you looks like, remember that you are here for a reason (or a purpose as some people like to call it.) You have goals and dreams for yourself that no one can make happen but you. What’s more, you have to keep in mind that even when you want to throw in the towel, there is always someone, somewhere looking to you for strength and encouragement. This may be your family, friends, or even a random person that sits in the back of class whom you’ve never spoken to before. Regardless of who it is, the point is that you matter and your efforts do not go unnoticed, so keep pushing and striving to live on purpose. Be the best version of yourself; you never know who you are inspiring. 

Yours Truly, 

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