Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tips for e-mailing your resume!

Most employers these days require you to submit application and job inquiries on-line via their company website or through a contact person's e-mail. However, it is important to note that the informality typically associated with the ease and speed of Internet use is something to be avoided in these situations. There are some tips that students should keep in mind as they are interacting with employers on the web.

E-mailing your Resume
  • Put your Resume in PDF format. PDF is compatible with all computer systems and will keep your resume formatting from changing. On most computers you can convert a file to .pdf by clicking File> Print and under Printer name select PDF and OK. 
  • Attach your resume to an e-mail. Never copy and paste your e-mail into the body of an e-mail. Most e-mail servers have limited formatting abilities and there is no telling how your resume will show up. 
  • List the job position title and your name in the e-mail's subject line. This automatically indicates to an employer where or whom your e-mail should go and makes it easy to find when looking for it at a later time. You can simply put "Sales Associate position- John Smith". 
  • Send it using a professional e-mail account that you check often. Your university given e-mail account will work great; however, if you have another e-mail you check more often it might be ideal to use that one instead. Make sure you are not sending it from your personal account such as " or".
E-mail Cover Letter 
Just as you need to send a cover letter when submitting a resume via snail mail, it is very important to include that same detailed information when e-mailing a resume. This is what will go in the body of your e-mail.
  • Begin your e-mail formally. Use "Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name", and address it to the specific person responsible for hiring your position if possible.
  • The first paragraph should include your reason for writing, the position you are applying for, how you heard about it and any previous contact with the employer/company. 
  • The middle paragraph(s) should elaborate on what you have to offer the employer and how that matches up with the specific job description and qualifications. Feel free to mention specific details from previous experience but don't repeat your resume.
  • The last paragraph should conclude your message. Direct the employers attention to your attached resume, thank them for consideration of your application and indicate how they can follow-up with you.
  • End the e-mail formally. "Sincerely", "Best regards," etc. and then your name are ideal closings. Under your name you will also want to include your 'signature' or contact information including e-mail address, telephone number, and mailing address.
Examples of different types of e-mail correspondance and e-mail etiquette tips can also be found in this article

-Courtney H

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