Monday, April 12, 2010

Puzzling Interview Questions

How Would You Move Mount Fuji? is a book by William Poundstone about the tricky mind puzzles often asked in Microsoft interviews for potential new hires. 

A few employers ask problem or puzzle questions during their interviews.  This is usually done to test your logic skills, intelligence, and ability to effectively think under pressure.  While most companies do not ask questions such as these, they are fun to consider and may improve your problem-solving skills.

A few include...
  • There are three ants at the three corners of a regular triangle.  Each ant starts moving on a straight line toward another, randomly chosen corner.  What is the probability that none of the ants collide?
  • Design a spice rack for a person who is blind. 
  • How many gas stations are there in the United States?
  • How would you weigh a jet plane without using scales?

Use the comment feature on the blog to try your hand at answering the question below.  You can post anonymously if you wish.  We look forward to hearing what you come up with! 

You have 3 picnic baskets filled with fruit.  One has apples, one has oranges, and the third has a mixture of apples and oranges.  You cannot see the fruit inside the baskets.  Each basket is clearly labeled.  Each label is wrong.  You are permitted to close your eyes and pick one fruit from one basket, then examine it.  How can you determine what is in each basket?


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