Friday, October 25, 2013

Guest Blogger: Stephanie Kit

Today's Post comes from Stephanie Kit, the Associate Director of Career Services and Career Counselor.  Enjoy!

If you’re thinking about changing your major or still haven’t chosen one, you are not alone. Everyday our career counselors encounter students who visit Career Services because they are questioning their majors. You may find that an intro class for your intended major just isn’t as interesting as you had hoped or maybe you were planning on a pre-health major to prepare for a medical career and now realize that science isn’t your strongest subject. Sometimes students come to UT and discover a whole range of majors they weren’t previously aware of. 

Whatever the case may be, we can help!  We have a number of assessments available to help you consider your interests, personality, values and skills. Our trained career counselors can meet with you one-on-one to discuss your ideas related to majors and careers and direct you to a wealth of resources.  Take the first step and call Career Services at 865-974-5435 or stop by 100 Dunford Hall. Our staff will help you get started!

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