Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Three Things To Do Over Spring Break

Do you have any plans for spring break?  If not, don't worry!  In fact, you should be excited.  While all of your peers are off at the beach, you can use this time to get ahead of the game and become one step closer to having a successful career.  Here is a list of 3 things that you should do over your week-long break to prepare yourself for a job or internship:

1.  Volunteer and/or shadow.  One word, people: EXPERIENCE.  It is absolutely crucial to have relevant experience when you're applying to a job or internship.  It is what sets you apart from other applicants and what employers look for while they are scanning resume.  If you are too busy to volunteer or shadow during normal school weeks, you should definitely taking advantage of this time off.

2.  Go shopping.  No, not for summer clothes but for interview/professional clothes.  There is nothing worse than going shopping last minute for an interview.  Avoid the stress all-together and take this time to buy a nice interview outfit.  It is a great way to spend the money you just got back from your tax returns!

3.  Form a game plan.  Spring break is the perfect time to conduct your research and form a plan for your future.  Look up companies you'd like to work for, see who is hiring on Hire-A-Vol, or who will be interviewing on campus.  This is also a great time to make sure that your LinkedIn account or resume are current and up-to-date.

Most of all, remember that spring break is just that--a break.. Take this time to recharge, relax, and think about yourself: your goals, your life, and your future.  Have a great (and somewhat productive) break!

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