Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Networking Wednesday: Not As Scary as it Seems

Jeepers Creepers! - I have to Network??
Networking for career development is usually neglected or at least put off for a long time by people who claim to be the exact opposite of the “networking type.” These people may be those with an introverted personality type or even those that deem themselves as socially awkward. Although we cannot physically calm down the butterflies or anxiety you may feel when you are presenting with a networking opportunity, we can definitely attempt to lighten the burden you feel by offering some useful tips to make a possibly stressful situation, not so stressful or awkward at all. Taken from, we’ve got some great suggestions for you!
  1. Manage your expectations- By this, we mean you don’t have to feel it’s necessary to burn yourself out and mingle with everyone in the room. If that’s not your natural disposition to want to do so, don’t be mean to yourself and torture yourself to do this. Remember the quality of your conversations is greater than the quantity. Besides, what good is meeting everyone if you don’t make any connections and no one truly remembers you?
  2. Set a time limit- Don’t freak yourself out with the thought that you may have to spend so many hours talking to random people. Adjust the opportunity for yourself. As states, you’re already benefiting since you’ll be there. From that point, just take it one step at a time. There’s no need to overwhelm yourself.
  3. Ask for an introduction/share personal stories- As far as the whole conversation bit goes, we know it can be a bit strange from some to just strike up conversation. For this reason, feel free to ask the hostess of the event or even a friend that is familiar with the others there to introduce you. A mutual connection is always a good starting point. Also, try your best not to be too short and sweet, or rather, short and dry. If someone asks you something, don’t just answer yes or no, but really try to expound and share stories/experiences. Remember, the qualities of the conversations you have are what you should be focusing on most.
  4. Last but certainly not least, stand in the mirror or with a friend, go to multiple events, and practice, practice, practice

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