students, we are expected to use our superpower of multitasking and take on as
much as we can; such as, making A’s in classes, being highly involved on
campus, maintaining a social life, interning, building up our resumes, and
possibly even showing up to work every day. Are these tasks difficult to
juggle? Is Netflix our kryptonite? Yes! Should we take on more just because we
can handle it? NO!
Although not everyone takes on ‘too much’ in college, those of us who do seem
to feel the need to add more on to the load that we already have. According to
the American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment, 84%
of college students feel overwhelmed by the course load they have, 47% have
overwhelming anxiety, and 25% fall into depression to the point where they
cannot function. Yeah, we are here to succeed and better our futures; however,
becoming psychologically unstable is not the way to achieve it. The following
tips may help the overachievers of the world take a breath or two.
1) Lower
your course hours.
I know that it is more productive
to take 18 hours than 14; however, if you are taking too many hours and failing
your Accounting 301 class you aren’t being very productive are you? Try taking
fewer hours in order to build up your GPA instead of lowering it. Who cares if
you graduated in three years if you have a 2.0/4.0 GPA…not employers!
2) Take
courses that are not related together.
So yeah I know that if your major
is a science then your classes will all involve science, but this is the moment
when you need to love and appreciate your college’s gen eds! Instead of taking
chemistry, biology, physics, and math for life sciences in the same semester,
try to throw in an English class or a social science. You will have to take
them eventually anyways.
3) Try
to plan your classes on MWF or just TR.
This way you will have days when
you can take a breath and catch up or get yourself together. Days off tend to
break up the busy week and make it seem to go by faster…and you’re finishing
your homework, more efficiently.
4) Get
off of campus for an hour or two.
If you’re stressed out on campus...just leave.
There’s no stress about going to walk around the mall or out to eat for a few
hours. Sometimes just getting away from the madness is the best thing to do in
order to avoid a meltdown.
I know that as college students we are expected to
multitask (which is scientifically proven impossible), but sometimes juggling
too many balls of fire could get us burned. Although I have faith that you can
do whatever you set your mind to, you can save being superman or wonder woman
for later!
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